My second "A Site A Day" is ... pam pa di dum !!!
A unique idea of representing dimensions closely united to the popular string theory that's been going around lately.
The Dimensions. To better understand each dimension I'm gonna start with the first one. Which in this example, is dimension 0.
Dimension 0 -> A Point. A point has no size, no dimension. It's an imaginary idea that indicates a position in a system.
Dimension 1 -> A second point could indicate a second position. A line could be used to indicate the first dimension.
Dimension 2 -> If we put a new point and draw a new line that branches out of the first line, we create a split. A split would be a representation of the second dimension.
Dimension 3 -> The third dimension would be the easiest to explain, but let's take a different approach. Imagine the map, the world map. If you want to get from the left side to the right side you have to walk all the way the entire map. But now imagine folding the map so as the left side coincides with the right. That would make it a tube like representation where you could easily go from the far left side of the map to the far right side. So in order to help imagining our future dimensions, let's think of this one as if it were a fold.
Dimension 4 -> Many people have speculated that the 4th dimension is time. That is fairly easy to understand, right now I am writing this and in 10 hours I'll probably be sleeping. So we can think that any given moment in time is... a point, a point that indicates a position in our system, time. But time as a dimension needs to be defined by two points. And those two points are defined by a line.
Dimension 5 -> Now let's think about time a bit in the 4th dimension. The line in the 4th dimension represented the natural flow of events from point A in time to point B in time. Now let's think of a point C in time where events happened differently. The new point C would be a branch of our A-B timeline. That branch would be a split that represents the 5th Dimension.
Dimension 6 -> Let's take our previous split and think about it a bit. Let's say we would want to go from point B to point C. That would normally mean going back to A and then going to point C. But folding our split makes it possible to instantly jump from point B to point C.
Dimension 7 -> Let's imagine time again. From the beginning of the universe to it's end. Now let's imagine every possible timeline from the beginning to the end. That would be a point in the 7th dimension. But let's imagine a different beginning for our Universe. One where the basic principles like the speed of light and gravity are different. That would be a new point that defines a line representing, the 7th Dimension.
Dimension 8 -> Let's look at Dimension 7 again. We define the line from point A to point B. As you Might already suspect, we're gonna create a new point C, that is in fact a whole new, different universe. Let's make point C be a branch of our A-B line. That branch is the split that represents Dimension 8.
Dimension 9 -> Now. Let's say we want to get from point B to point C. We could fold the split and that would effectively represent Dimension 9.
Dimension 10 -> And Finally. Let's think of every possible beginning of the universe and for each of those, let's imagine every possible timeline. That point is Dimension 10.
Why no Dimension 11? Simply because. We've just ended all possible possibilities of existence, from our universe to any random one.
Note: In the animation that can be viewed
here. Dimensions seven through nine I think are flawed. I used my own understanding of the concept to try and correct them.